Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 2

Well, Day 2 of Jillian's workout went pretty well.  I was sore from the day before, but it wasn't too bad.  But today I feel even more sore, especially my legs, which is good, but OW.  :b  Arms and shoulders I can tell got worked, but they aren't too bad.  Cole is worse off than me.. :/  I'm glad he's doing this with me. :)  

Gained a pound though. Hope most of it is muscle....


Emily Judd said...

great job! keep blogging about it. it will help you stick with it. and I definitely didn't lose anything for about a week and a half. the weight you gained is either water weight (because we all fluctuate every day) or water retention from being sore. drink lemon water and drink drink drink period!