Monday, April 16, 2012

Hiking 2012: Part 1: Table Rock

So!  We have the book turned in and the author is reviewing it!  We know there are things to redo and edit, but it's such a relief to be at this stage.

We are going to get back on board with exercising. !!!!!!!!  Yeah, that kinda got put on hold. I know it shouldn't have, but it did.  We literally spent ALL of our free time editing and recording. Exhausting!  But we both feel the need to exercise, and I thought that instead of doing it inside, I would like to be outside, in NATURE :)

So we are going to take up hiking!  Today we went up to Table Rock!  (Well, we took a wrong turn and ended up at the quarry, but it was still SO nice.)  We took Max along, and he did well, except for a couple of nosy dogs that weren't on leashes... :/  STupid owners.  Whatever.  But it felt so good to exercise that way!  My legs hurt already and I am going to be SO SORE tomorrow. We both are! We are excited to get in shape and go hiking a lot to different places--Camel's Back, Loon Lake, and more hopefully!

Max is so handsome~

He was sitting really weird on this rock (that he jumped up four feet to get on top of...!).  Just sat down with his paws on the ledge.  haha aww~


Emily Judd said...

Max just looks SO happy. I bet he's so grateful you found him!!! and way to go on exercising. Can't wait to start our family challenge next Monday!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jules! Sorry I'm so terrible at remembering to look at everyone's blogs. Great photos and hiking story! Max is a trooper! I miss hiking Table Rock.
