Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 2 Day 4

Alright, day 4 of week 2 and we are getting the hang of it.  Some of the moves, like the crow pushup, I just can't do very well at all, but oh well.  I feel like my punches are getting faster and stronger.  Cole says my arms look and feel more toned. :)  Part of me thinks that that's all in his/my head, but *shrug*.. :b  :)

Max is doing good.  Scared the crap out of the lawn girl the other day though... Cole was in the other room when she came, and Max barked like CRAZY (now we know why the curtains were always down when I got home.. he goes NUTS), like he would if some huge dude was breaking into the house... :/  Well, at least I know he's a good guard dog...  

Working on a second audition for an author.  I won't say much right now, but I feel like we could really get this contract, and work hard with the author on getting it the best it can be.  He seems really present and assertive, which helps a lot. And he would like it to be co-narrated by us!  Wish us luck! 

Me and Max (because I hadn't gotten a real picture with him yet!)


Anonymous said...

Great shots! Good ol' Max!


Anonymous said...

You need to teach me more about your workout.
